Monday, December 22, 2008

Gaming in Decembrrrrrr

I can't believe it's almost Christmas!
And there is sooooo much snow at my house. It has been snowing for a week.

That means I got to stay home and play a lot of Little Big Planet.

But of course, my brother and me get in fights about compromising.

I really want to go outside because there is a whole bunch of snow. The snow is more than a foot!

This was the first time I ever seen the Wizard of Oz movie. I liked it. But I didn't like the Cowardly Lion because he was afraid of everything. I liked meeting the Scarecrow the best because he was NOT afraid of everything. Munchkin land was pretty funny. Game to movie connection - we have a GAME called MUNCHKIN! I really like that game. So does my mom and dad.

My brother, Jace, is really annoying. He fights with me at Little Big Planet (LBP) about like who places an object first or like who goes first when playing a level. But it is pretty amazing that he is only 5 years old and can create his own levels.

Oh, and this Amigo guy in the first Canyons level of LBP, here is what he says...

"Hola! The evil Sheriff Zapata has kidnapped Uncle Jalapeno. Please help him!"

I feel like that saying is like I really really really need to save him.

Playing Little Big Planet is fun because there are so much levels that I like to complete. Sometimes I don't like the mini levels because they are pretty challenging. If a level is too hard I get very frustrated.

At the part where you fight Zapata, you have to use timed explosives to beat him. On the second part (the last part where the elevators move up and down) it is so hard that I kept dying. We lost all our lives except Jace had one life left. So Jace agreed to give the controller to my dad - and then he ran down with the timed explosive and boomed up Zapata! Which made Jace and me happy that we got to the Metropolis.

Here is what Uncle Jalapeno's last saying was:

"Man, I need a vacation! Hop in my car and let's drive to the Metropolis. There you'll meet Mags the Mechanic so she can show you her cars."

It was an exciting part!

This is the main game I've been playing all December since my dad brought it home for us.

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