Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pure Hidden! +loz ww + DOCTOR OCTOGONAPUS!

Pure Hidden
There is this really cool game we got this summer and it's called "Pure Hidden".

It's basically easy BUT there is hard stuff to find.
Take the ice skates level for example - there are some hard snowmen to find.
There was even a snowman in the sky!
My favorite part was the chicken box - you have to connect all the pipes from the hen to the eggs.
And then an egg cracks and it shows a little chick. And then the pan on the right side of the screen shows yellow bubbles.
The connect the Yin/Yang to the white lotus flowers level is pretty hard because there are some combinations that you might not really know. Its soooooo confusing.

Legend of Zelda Wind Waker (LoZ WW)
I watched some Youtube videos about LoZ WW yesterday and today.

Ganon in the final boss fight does a whole heart of damage - so stock up on health before you fight him!
(including puppet Ganon which is the boss before the real Ganon)

There is a series of platforms you have to climb up by using the grappling hook and hookshot. Then you can actually fight Ganon.

Ganon's fight is broken into three phases:
1) Zelda tries to hit Ganon and if Ganon is facing Zelda he will jump over the arrow. If he's not, then he will get hit and you have to attack him. After a couple of times he will knock out Zelda.
2) When the A lights up, press the A button. If you do the slide around him and hit him attack, you will have to try a couple of times before you hit him. But if you do the jump and slice over, that is an automatic hit. You have to keep hitting him while that has happened.
3) Zelda is back and you have to talk to her. If you do, you have to use your shield and then when the A lights up again press A and you will stab him in the head with the sword. BRUTAL! There is not any blood but still....

Getting the Ice and Fire arrows
Once you get the bow go to the cyclone with the cloud and you will see a frog on a cloud. You have to shoot him and after 3 times you get the warp song "Ballad of Gales". Do Down / Right / Left / Up to play the song. Then warp to either one of the top left or the one below the top left. And then it will show you a childlike fairy.

She will give you two fairies that go into your body as a cutscene. And then it shows that you got the Ice and Fire arrows.

They can get you two useful things.

#1 - power bracelets: go to the fiery volcano near dragon roost island. With the ice arrows equipped shoot the lava that is blurting out the top. Then it freezes and all the lava stops. You have a limited amount of time to get to the top of the mountain and the time limit is 5 minutes. Then when you go inside the mountain you have 2 more minutes to destroy the fire bats and the magtails. Once you do, a treasure chest appears. When you open it the power bracelets come out. And now you can pick up objects you wouldn't normally be able to. Also there is a difference in the time limit once you get it. There is no time limit!

#2 - Iron boots: Once you see an ice area from your sailboat, get the fire arrows out and shoot the ice that comes out. Then you have 5 minutes to get across on to the moving icebergs and into the ice area. The time limit does not change. So slide down the paths over to the treasure chest. Inside it is the Iron Boots. With the Iron Boots equipped, use them to get back to the beginning because it helps you to get across the wind.

These useful items can be good!

Hyrule Temple
The first time you enter Hyrule everything appears black and white. When you look at some of the waterfalls they appear frozen. Time has stopped. When you enter Hyrule you see that some darknut and moblins are frozen and you can't damage them no matter how much you try. Then you see some blocks and a Triforce looking part. When you push the blocks into the Triforce places they sink into them and glow. Then the statue moves revealing a staircase.
When you enter it you are taken to the room with the master sword. When you take it out it reveals a cutscene making all the statues around you move and make the sword go straight out. Then color starts returning to Hyrule. Also time. When you get back upstairs the statue closes. Then you have to defeat every enemy: moblins are easier than darknuts - darknuts have armor. Moblins can still block though.
To defeat a darknut, all you have to do is when the A lights up press it. If you roll around hitting his back you will see a red mark. That is what you have to hit to get his armor off. If you do the jump slice attack his helmet will fall off. This is what you can aim at with your bow but the armor can still protect it.
When you get his armor and/or his helmet off, you will have to hit him a couple of times to knock his sword off. He can do some quicker attacks though by punching you and he can still block.
To defeat a Moblin, it is simpler than a darknut. All you have to do is when he blocks do a spin attack. He will drop his spear. Keep attacking him until he gets knocked off and does an "Aaargh" yell. Then when the darkness poofs he will reveal a little ball of changing light. Smash it and you will get a barrage of items at once.

Doctor Octogonapus
There was some Youtube bloopers videos that I watched. There was one video where this Christmaspon acted like Doctor Octogonapus by screaming, "Doctor Octogonapus!" and then "Blarghhhhhhhhh" because he shot a laser out of his mouth moving him back and off the screen. The description said, "Cranked it up a notch with a laser!"

It was funny because of the mouth people put on it. Its a mouth open with two eyes cross-eyed looking left to left and right to right and it shoots a laser out of that mouth.

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